Diverse Hands Making Heart

Diversity, Equity and ​Inclusion (DEI) Graduate ​Leaders Fellowship

Less Than Symbol

The Fellowship

The UCI School of Physical Sciences DEI Graduate Leaders ​Fellowship advances the school’s mission to create a ​welcoming environment where students, staff, researchers, ​and faculty are able to bring their full selves to the classroom, ​to their research, and to their work. The DEI Graduate ​Leaders Fellowship is designed to advance the school’s ​mission and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion ​(DEI).

One fellow will be awarded from each department in the ​School of Physical Sciences. Each fellowship may be renewed ​quarterly, as determined by engagement in fellowship and ​DEI efforts. This fellowship program will enhance the Physical ​Sciences Office of Access, Outreach and Inclusion (AOI) and ​advance its mission to eliminate barriers and foster an ​environment that attracts, retains, and supports the ​successful degree completion of students from historically ​excluded populations.

Program Outline

Under the mentorship of the Office of AOI, the DEI Graduate Leader Fellows will ​have the opportunity to engage in the following types of programs

  • K-12 Outreach
  • Mentoring Programs
  • Community building events
  • Mental health and wellness
  • Data analytics

Fellows will support and build off existing programs and collaborate with their ​peers across the school.

Science and Research Element Light Bulb

Fellowship Process

Interested graduate students will be asked to submit a brief description of ​their previous involvement in DEI efforts, a description of what kinds of ​program they are most interested in and why, and what they would like to ​accomplish as a fellow.

The Office of AOI will organize weekly meetings for fellows to attend to ​encourage connection, collaboration and accountability. Reports on efforts ​and outcomes should be completed at the end of each quarter.

Science and Research Element Planet
  • Must be a current PhD student in the School of Physical Sciences.
  • Be dedicated to advancing inclusion, diversity and equity in STEM

Commitment: on average 10 hours per week

Award Amount: $1,000 per month

About Us

The Office of Access, Outreach and Inclusion (AOI) supports the School of Physical Sciences ​in advancing inclusive excellence. Through sustainable programs, advocacy for equitable ​policies, and collaborative partnerships, the Office of AOI aims to create a vibrant learning ​and working environment that embraces diversity and inclusivity across gender ​identification, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, disability status and ​other marginalized identities.

Mu-Chun Chen

Associate Dean of DEI and ​Professor of Physics & ​Astronomy

Ash Hormaza

AOI Program Coordinator

What We Do

Science Abstract Linear Concept Layout
event calendar
Community Gathering icon



program ​development

Event ​Coordination

community ​bu​ilding

Yasmeen Baki


Davante Cain

Physics & Astronomy

Maya Silverman

Physics & Astronomy

Yeonseong Seo


Setayesh Nekarae

Physics & Astronomy

Leslie Liu


Hui Wang

Earth System Science

Riya Singh


Jordan Thompson


Apply Now!

Hand-drawn Boy Examining Results
Hand-drawn Observing Man
Hand-drawn Observing Man
Student Answering a Test

The 2024-2025 Application is open ​until September 6th, 2024 at 5 p.m. PT.

Interested graduate students must submit an ​application to be considered. The selection will be ​based on the following criteria: student’s prior ​engagement with DEI efforts and their ​commitment to advancing inclusive excellence in ​their department and across the school.

Questions? Email us at aoips@uci.edu

164 Rowland Hall

University of California, Irvine

Irvine, CA 92697-4675